Savor Nature

Savor Nature

One of the most powerful ways we can reconnect with ourselves is by spending time in nature.

Back in the day when my favorite word (unfortunately) to describe my life was harried, I didn’t give nature a second thought. Or glance.

But like so many things, the more authentic my life became, the more important nature became to me. It was as if the blinders fell off and I suddenly noticed the beauty, the diversity, and  the peace that nature showcases and stirs within us.

Over the years, many of my clients have shared similar thoughts about nature. Some enjoy bird-watching, gardening, or hiking. Others have spoken of the joy in hanging laundry out in the sun (I know, remember when?), loving the scent of fresh cut grass, or digging their toes in the sand at the beach.

I personally love to notice the sky each day in all of its wondrous variety. At night, I’ll sometimes step outside for the sole purpose of looking at the stars and checking out the moon. And as a resident of south central Pennsylvania, I love the four distinct seasons we experience each year.

Nature is available to all of us. It’s available to you all the time, wherever you are. Slow down. Look around. Take a little time to savor nature.


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